This was almost a newborn shoot, but for various reasons we took his pics today at 5 weeks old. But hey – he did sooooo good for a not-so-newborn baby!
Boise Newborn Photography, Idaho Baby Photographer » Newborn Photographer, Amanda Andrews shares images from recent baby, infant and maternity sessions.

Boise Newborn Photography, Idaho Baby Photographer
Newborn Photographer, Amanda Andrews shares images from recent baby, infant and maternity sessions.
I can’t believe that he slept and positioned so well at 5 weeks! That’s amazing
OMG…he’s has cleavage. Adorable baby…great shots!
Hey…remember me?
GREAT new look. Did you do it yourself or hire someone? I’ve the dickens of a time figuring out wordpress….:(
Anyway, darling newborn shots, especially the one in the eggshell-which I’m assuming you made?
oooh my gosh! what a doll! I love each of these!! In the second image… where did you get the little wrap or is it a cocoon? I make cocoons too, but mine are long i like this pattern… can you email me,
I love the new site and glad to see that your pic still turned out GREAT even though he was a bit older than you had hoped. Great job!!
So great! In the second one (green) he looks like he could be a little newborn. Super cute little guy.
Hi! Your pictures are amazing! I found your blog a while ago and have really enjoyed your photography! When I read in a recent post that you just started photography just a few years ago it blew me away. You are truly and inspiration. I would love to be half as good as you are!
Love your new blog – almost as much as your work! Well done – very classy. Gorgeous session by the way.
these are so adorable! that one on the harley is just the coolest thing! and ohhhh, all those pudgy rolls … i have this urge to squeeze something now. lol!
Adorable! I love the squishy one! And your new blog is fabulous, you won’t lose this stalker 😉
Amanda, you got some precious shots. Love the motorcycle shot:)
love the bike shot and I LOVE your new blog!
Great new blog, love the newborn photos!
Love your new blog! And great “not so new”born pictures.
I am so jealous. These are great. I wish I could shoot newborns like this. Just wonderful. I can imagine each one as a massive canvas.
Ohhh! I like your new blog! And these newborn images are so so so sweet!
What an adorable baby!!!! Sweet bike shot!
LOVE your new blog. Great background!
i loved visiting your old home but this one is totally lush & lovely – what an adorable babe & the bike shot is just amazing 😀
Hi amanda! Just wanted to say that your hair is super cute from your profile pic and you are lookin’ dang skinny!! Did you recently cut your hair?! Oh and I never got to do my “chat session” with you from your first AZ workshop… I had my baby right around the time you could do it and was SWAMPED!! Let me know if I can still do it sometime.
Oh WOW! These are just GORGEOUS! Stunning!
Love the new blog! I especially love how the pictures are larger. I wish I could figure out a way to get my photos to be larger like this. They are much more stunning! I love to watch your work. You are constantly improving. It is so amazing. These new born shots are sooo cute. I still haven’t ever done a newborn shoot. I would really like to try sometime. They look fun.
Goodness Amanda,
Just when I think you can’t possibly get any more amazing than you are…. you blow us away!
Theses are fabulous. I am loving your new blog!
These are simply stunning!
Anyway, you should do your best ;)…