Okay, so yes, I get questions all the time, whether they come in emails or in comments on my blog… I get them. And sometimes I’m good at answering them, and sometimes…. well…. I’m just not. {blush}Sorry!
I’ve thought about doing a FAQ blog post for a while now, but didn’t think I had enough to offer. LOL… I’ve seen a lot of photogs do them and they offer such great, interesting information that is so well written.. I love reading them. I just didn’t think I had it in me to really make it interesting, enjoyable or just plain fun to read. But hey – My friend Megan has inspired me to do this so here we go.
I guess we’ll start by letting you all either post your questions here in the comment section, or if you’d like to stay more anonymous… you can email me at aaphotography@rocketmail.com
I’ll do my best to answer them all right here on my blog.
So let me have it… What do you wanna know???
Boise Newborn Photography, Idaho Baby Photographer » Newborn Photographer, Amanda Andrews shares images from recent baby, infant and maternity sessions.

Boise Newborn Photography, Idaho Baby Photographer
Newborn Photographer, Amanda Andrews shares images from recent baby, infant and maternity sessions.
Oooh, yeah! I love your work! I see from your scrolling screen up top that you do the cool baby wrap where they are wrapped and propped up – that is a very poor explanation… Do you know what I mean? 😉
The one up top is a girl in a pink hat bow wrapped in a green blanket. How do you do that?
Thank you so much!
How do you get the babies to hold their own little heads up with their hands?
You said you recently bought lights… what all did you buy? I am also curious… you said that your friends helped you “adjust” some things that made you happy with them! What was that?
I am realizing that lights are important to have, but am scared of them at the same time!
Thanks so much! I had been thinking about emailing you directly, but this is even better yet!
Oooo, I love these sort of posts, especially from great photographers like you!!
My brain has gone wild with all the questions I could ask but I’ll try not to be greedy!!
Firstly, how do you know when to stop editing? Your work is clean and classic, I often feel I go too far and ruin what was a perfectly good photo and I’ll try over and over and not know what looks right. Is there a point when it just clicks inside your head and you KNOW when you’ve got it perfect?
Would you be willing to share the light setup you would usually use for you recent studio sessions with your own kids. The lighting was GORGEOUS and would love to see just how you set the shots up.
These images I especially love, http://www.amandaandrewsphotography.com/blog/photography-special%e2%80%a6boise-photographer/
Is there any lights that are a ‘must-have’?? I am looking into buying some very soon but the choice is huge and I love your style and would love to produce similar work.
Many many thanks,
Hi Amanda
I want to know how has Elma influenced your work? How much do you love Elma? Is it true that Elma won’t go to Banff unless you’re there? Do you think Elma is funny?
LOL xx Elma
You could always go over to formspring.com a few photogs are over there and it seems like an easy way to do Q&A. My question are you and Holly ever going to consider doing an online workshop? Would love, love, love that.
Love this!!! I think you should do it once a month!
Ok, so your images are so clean and sharp. What is your post process flow? I think I spend too much time getting images ready for the blog.
Do you use ps only? actions? what your fav trick?
Love the Q&A posts. Ok so what type of camera do you use? Are you self taught? What computer and program do you use to edit? That was 3 questions is that fair? LOL Thanks a lot and love your work!
this is like Christmas!!!! Any post processing you are willing to share would be so great. I LOVE the color and look you get….like someone above said…not too much but just enough. LOVE your images!
just wanted to let you know that I think you rock girl! and one question – are you going to Banff?
Ummmmm….so I really want to just ask “How do you do it?” but fear that may be a bit vague. In an attempt to be more specific I would like to ask two questions:
1) What resources do you/did you use to learn about color correction and skin tone? Your skin tones always seem to even and milky. Mine are all over the spectrum right now.
2) Are you and Holly planning another workshop?
Amanda…lol! I want to know how you manage to stay such a hot momma while raising 4 kiddos…and juggling business, the mommy thing & wife thing? Actually…I do have a question…do you shoot RAW or JPG? I do JPG & wondering if I need to try RAW again w a much easier workflow??? or not. ha. you’re the bomb in my book
i love your photos, you are so talented. i was wondering where you got your furry rug or material that you use for your baby props. thanks!
I too would like to know more about your lighting set up…always looking for pull-back shots! I thought I read you shoot canon but what’s your favorite lens? Do you think L/Pro series lens is worth the $$? You wond that workshop, right? How is that going, are you learning a ton? What is the most valuable thing you have taken away from it yet? Oops…did you say one question or 10? I think I just asked a few too many!
I have a question (or two …) Did you have a photography mentor? If not, what resources/sites/books did you turn to when you were trying to learn more and increase your skills and grow your business. Second question is how do you determine your pricing?
Hi Amanda – I have admired your photos for a long time! My question is, can you give any tips/tricks on your post processing? Your pictures always look so clean, crisp and bright! I have such a hard time with skin looking ruddy… your skin tones are gorgeous – so creamy and milky. I would love to see a before and after post on some of your post processing! Thanks in advance!