When Nate posted a picture of his brand new baby to facebook last winter, I immediately melted. She was beautiful. Him and I were “friends” in facebook terms, but really – we didn’t know each other. We are both members of a local Boise area photographers group. I knew him from his comments and his photos. I knew he shot weddings and I knew he was amazing at what he did. I came home late one night and opened up facebook and saw that I had several notifications. The little red squares were telling me that my name had been mentioned in a comment to one of Nate’s posts. I went to look and saw that Nate had made a post in our local photog group wondering who the go-to newborn photographers were for our area. My name had been mentioned…. several times.( <------ I wish I could convey how big my smile was with that colon and parenthesis, but really, I can't.) I wanted to jump up and down and yell "pick me, pick me" His baby was beautiful and I wanted to play! Well.... I don't know how I got so lucky, but a few weeks later I finally got to meet Nate(IRL) and spend just over 3 hours with him, his lovely wife and his gorgeous, brand new baby girl, Sofia Rain...
I will admit, that the days leading up to the session were slightly nerve-wracking.... knowing that I'd be taking photographs for such an amazingly talented photographer.
Thank you Nate and Luisa, for entrusting me to provide you with images of your sweet baby girl!
Boise Newborn Photography, Idaho Baby Photographer » Newborn Photographer, Amanda Andrews shares images from recent baby, infant and maternity sessions.

Boise Newborn Photography, Idaho Baby Photographer
Newborn Photographer, Amanda Andrews shares images from recent baby, infant and maternity sessions.
What a sweatie….so tiny and precious!! The first two images, SWOON!!!!
oh my those lips are too much! such gorgeous images of this sweet wee one.
Oh she is darling! I can see why you were smitten! Okay, I love them all but I keep going back to that fifth one from the top – sooooo sweet.
oh, they chose well. Beautiful captures of a very beautiful wee one. What a dear. Look at that smile. The photo of her lying on her back, wrapped in pink & surrounded by pink should be printed HUGE & framed on a wall. So gorgeous. Absolutely precious. It’s always a treat to pop into your site & see your amazing sessions. Such talent!
What an adorable baby girl! Beautiful photos!